CD ripping

Most of my 600 CDs were ripped thorough iTunes as m4a format.

Is it worth re doing this to wav ?

my 2 Channel system is oppo 105 to rega brio r and epos 11 speakers.

If worthwhile any advise on how I should do it myself or reco on services to outsource to?

Appreciate any guidance.



Showing 1 response by dbtom2

If the user has any IOS devices that are being synced for music playback, then consideration should be given to which file formats are compatible with iTunes. FLAC still isn't iTunes compatible. 

My library is only 27K tracks. Given the cheaper cost of storage and because I desired my files be as universal compatibility as possible - including tagging, I decided to rip to AIFF. The trade off is that my IOS devices hold fewer tracks - unless I use iTunes to convert -on the fly- when syncing. 

The library still fits easily on a 2TB drive.