CD ripping

Most of my 600 CDs were ripped thorough iTunes as m4a format.

Is it worth re doing this to wav ?

my 2 Channel system is oppo 105 to rega brio r and epos 11 speakers.

If worthwhile any advise on how I should do it myself or reco on services to outsource to?

Appreciate any guidance.



Showing 1 response by blang11

I skimmed through this thread to find more info on CD ripping hardware. I might upgrade my Mac laptop in the next year, but all new Macs come without a disc drive so I’ll have to rip CDs using some external hardware. I actually haven’t heard much talk about this sort of product in audiophile circles and I’m looking for some affordable products to get the job done well. Soundsrealaudio mentioned the "Buffalo CD Ripper", but I’m still not exactly sure what product that would be based on a quick google search. Does anyone have any recommendations?