CD ripping

Most of my 600 CDs were ripped thorough iTunes as m4a format.

Is it worth re doing this to wav ?

my 2 Channel system is oppo 105 to rega brio r and epos 11 speakers.

If worthwhile any advise on how I should do it myself or reco on services to outsource to?

Appreciate any guidance.



Showing 1 response by beyachad

Absolutely, in my opinion you should re-rip your music in either .wav or .aiff formats.  The foundation of your digital library should be uncompressed, or at least flac, for the best sound quality.  Once you have them ripped to uncompressed then you can play with your files and compress them for portable playback, for example. And make sure you have files backed up properly. Db poweramp or XLD are terrific programs for ripping.