CD ripper

I have a sizable CD collection that I would like to make DSD files from. 
Looking for a decent ripper. 
I have a pair of really old Bevridge System 3 speakers that badly need restoring so my current listening setup is:

Fostex HP A8C and Fostex TH900 headphones. About to order LS50s.  Not sure if I want to go passive or powered.

Is it necessary to spend much on a high end ripper?  Trying to figure out a budget.


Showing 1 response by glupson

You could rip SACDs to DSD. If you really wanted it, you could rip/convert even CDs to DSD but I am not sure what would be the benefit of that and it would cost you more. Rip CDs in one of the formats mentioned above.

Note: FLAC is supposed to be lossless. Those more knowledgeable may chime in about the differences when it comes to sound (FLAC vs. WAV, etc.)