CD Recorders--Audio vs. Music Stores

I have been having a hard time making any headway with a cd recorder purchase decision. Audio stores sell one group of brands, while the musical instrument/professional recording stores sell almost entirely different product at very similar price points. The local musical instrument store is poorly set up for in-store auditioning of their cd recorders, and its sales "help" hasn't been very useful. The build quality looks better on the music store entries, but that may just speak to a preference for industrial design over walnut side panels. If anybody has experience using a tascam, one of the Sony pro audio units, or something similar in a home system, I'd appreciate hearing from them. My main interest is archiving material on digital that isn't going to last forever (and may not get supported forever) on vinyl.

Showing 1 response by garfish

I have a Pioneer W-739, and my experience is the same as Charlie's above. I like the Pioneers. These Pioneer CD-Rs do require the use of the slightly more expensive consumer Audio, or Music CD-Rs as opposed to CD-Rs for computers. If we can get Ramstl into this discussion, he would recommend the "professional" CD-Rs. Cheers. Craig