CD recorder advice sought

I've read all the threads on this topic, but I am seeking fresh, current input. I want to get a CD recorder primarily to make compilations. I understand the tradeoffs between pro and consumer decks, but would prefer not to spend what it takes to get a pro model. Dual bay would be a plus but not a requirement. I want sound quality, reliability, and ease of use. Any recommendations? Thanks. --Dan
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin

Showing 2 responses by garfish

Well, if you've read all the threads on this topic, you've read my opinion(s). I have a Pioneer W739 (now 839), and everthing I've said about it is still true. It has all the features you want and is now available for $400. or less. Maybe not "fresh", but I'll stand by my assessment(s) of this CD recorder. Good Luck. Craig
Hi Drubin; IMO, a "dubbing" recorder is much more convenient and easier to use than a single well type-- especially doing compilations. Over a year ago I tried a Pioneer 509 and it would not read and record track info. from a Sony CD player. I returned it and later got the dubbing type. No regrets. Cheers. Craig