CD-R's vs. CD-RW's

Does anyone have experience with sound quality loss from multiple overwrites onto CD-RW's? Will be downloading music files from the web onto CD-RW's, then play them on a good CD player to make recordings on a DAT machine. Would then use same CD-RW to start process all over again. Do not want to build a collection of CD's.

Showing 1 response by kthomas

Grumpybb - what sound card are you using? For some reason the SB series (not exactly high-end) will only output 48K which obviously implies a conversion going on. I've hesitated to buy a high-end sound card for $400 or so because you're paying a lot for incoming sampling for recording and a bunch of stuff I probably won't do. I just want to read the bits from the CD and output them directly (digitally) at 44.1Kb, and am looking for an appropriately priced card that will do that well.