CD-R Recs

I was reading reviews of different CD-R brands on Amazon, and there were a lot of complaints about brands declining in quality in the past few years. When I searched the Audiogon archives, the last threading dealing with this topic was from 2007 and possibly obsolete.

So, what are people's current recommendations for CD-Rs? Taiyo Yuden was recommended a lot in the past, though they recently got a name change to JVC. I'm not sure if there was any change in quality associated with the marketing change. Any other brands worth considering?

Showing 2 responses by kijanki

Same here - I use Sharpie on different non- inkjet printable CD-Rs for a long time and have no problems.
Taiyo Yuden is the best (they invented CD-R). You can get it cheap here: (free shipping)

They did not change name to JVC - they sell under JVC name in Europe since they acquired 65% of JVC recording business. They were also selling under name Verbatim Pastels.