CD Player upgrade...?

Currently using a Onkyo 6 disc changer>PS Audio Superlink Generation II DAC. The PS Audio is a 18 bit DAC, I am thinking of upgrading this source to a NAD C541i or 542(or others in the $300.00-$350.00 range). Any experience with these 2 players? If so,will I notice a sonic improvement from my current set up? Thanks..
Most likely your current set-up sounds better then the NAD player. I recommend keeping what you have.
I have been using the C-541i for nearly a year now and am still pleased with its performance. Before the 541 I was using a Sony CDP-X303ES player with several DACs including the PS Audio Superlink Generation III with HDCD and also an Adcom GDA-700 also with HDCD. Both of these were 20 bit DACs if memory serves me. I bought the NAD because I was quick to react to a good deal here on Audiogon and was amazed at how much things improved. Keep in mind the retail price of the previous components was four times that of the NAD. With the NAD the sound was much smoother and fuller with plenty of air. I have since tried a couple of other cdps (more expensive) but always return to the 541i. I think it's a great player for the price. Although I haven't heard it, if I were looking again I'd be looking at the newer version. You really couldn't go wrong because if you didn't care for how the NAD sounded you could always sell it here without losing much.
I will say that with all the good press I'm tempted to try the Music Hall CD-25 or one of its clones.
Good luck with your search.