CD player reliability.... good and bad.

Since the mid late 80’s I have gone through probably 15 + CD players, some lasted me many many years, some were non working out of box, some lasted a week, some months, and as said some lasted years.
Is the shipping process causing some jolting of the unit, and innards get jolted and the tray or a small piece gets damaged? Or just the way they are made?

We take great care of our CD players, dust cover when not in use, don’t drop them, hit them, shake them.....yet they just stop working or things go bad, skipping, display goes out prematurely, tray rubs on something, or any number of issues...!! ??

BUT, cheap pickup truck CD player still works after 13+ years , dust, bumps, filth, exploding pops, lots of dust in my truck from my profession, dash, floor, everywhere, years of dust, caked all over, yet I put in a cd, and the darn thing still works.

But , recently it has started to act up, it plays everything I put in it, but sometimes won’t eject,...

anyway, why is it most CD players have a reliability problem. NOT all of them, but there seems to be a %10-15 of new players that arrive in non-working, or only last a short time.

Any thoughts......

Showing 4 responses by georgehifi

I'll say it again, in case anyone missed my first post.

Never leave them powered up with a cd in them, this actives the laser and chews up it’s life expectancy very quickly.
Cheers George
the shop told me that Sony or Philips made just about all the mechanisms, lasers,
Correct there were a couple of Panasonic as well.
Later on Sanyo started doing them too, all reliable as well.

Here is a major list of just about all cd player and cd transports and dacs.
 showing dac chips and laser mechs and lasers

Cheers George

Yes correct, leaving the player turned on with a disc inside, also turns on the laser, and will take the same amount hours of read life off the laser life as it does playing the disk.
So those who "think" that to leave it turned on 24/7 because they "think" it sounds better, just make sure you haven’t left a disc inside.

Cheers George

CD player reliability.... good and bad.

Very good reliability, better than amplifiers. I still have 80’s 90’s transports coming through here that are still 100%. But there are some do’s and don’ts to keeping them good.

Never leave them powered up with a cd in them, this actives the laser and chews up it’s life expectancy very quickly.

If ever a new laser is installed, good idea to change any belts and lube all plastic tray sliders and any plastic gears, but ONLY" with "non petroleum" based lubes.

I like the blue coloured PBR (Rubber Grease) or similar made from castor bean oil myself, from auto supply shops.

Cheers George