CD Player Modifications. Is it worth the ?

I recently have been discussing modifying / upgrading my CD player, NAD C541. I would cost me around $300. Is it worth it, will it make an substantial difference?

Showing 2 responses by ehider

Toss the NAD (or at least sell it used). A modified Pioneer from Stan Warren is only $400 complete with mod, and it will run circles around a modded NAD. It's in a compeltely different league.
CORRECTION TO SEAN'S LAST POST. He is taking words completely out of context regarding Stan Warren's statements. I speak to Stan over 40 times a year, and he has never made a statement like: " the modified Pioneer will not have the bass impact, body, pace, tempo or warmth of a good cd player that is considered musical". NEVER, NEVER, NEVER DID HE MAKE THIS STATEMENT!

The only thing that Stan has ever said about the Pioneer is that it is slightly lacking in bass impact and dynamics as compared to his other more expensive outboard d/a's and transports, and some of his other modified cd player variants. To be specific: some cd players, which Stan used to mod (namely the Teac), had a slight edge in its bass and dynamics, but the Teac is not nearly as musical, nor as refined as the latest Pioneer, that Stan now recommends modifying. I know this personally, because I still have one of the Teac's too!

The modified Pioneer is a wonderful unit for anyone looking for a cd player under the $1000 mark. It is sonically refined, and does not have any of the typical sonic anomalies that are so characteristic of virtually every other "budget" high end (read under $1200) cd player.

If the Pioneer had such "bass, impact and pace problems" that Sean claims Stan had stated , then why does he have so many satisfied customers ? Is Stan a hypnotist? Perhaps a cult leader? Maybe he uses drugs his customers? I know, he's an alien from the constellation Virgo, with the intent of controlling his customer's minds and ears! That's it, I'm in his control..... All of his customers are in his control! That's why we love his modified digital products so much. Invasion of the body snatchers is for real!

Sean I really think you should avoid making such statements like: "Stan will tell you himself.......". You are not his spokes person, and more importantly, you are speaking in regard to another persons conversation, that you did not participate in yourself.