CD player finally died. Need rec.

Help!!! My Sonagraphe CD player has finally expired. It gave me over 6 years of great sound, but it has now been silenced. I want to replace it with a DVD/CD player, but, I don't know of any that are Reference quality at a good deal. On the other hand, should I stick with CD only for now??? Please help!!! I want to buy today.

Showing 1 response by snook2

I recently purchased the Muse 8 DVD for a transport and the Bel Canto DAC and was floored at how good the sound is after break-in. I now realise how awful my Linn karik and numerik sounded. You must let digital equipment break-in for at least 100 hours. Most people expect quality sound as soon as they open the box thats why you see all this equipment for sale only after being purchased for a few weeks.