CD player finally died. Need rec.

Help!!! My Sonagraphe CD player has finally expired. It gave me over 6 years of great sound, but it has now been silenced. I want to replace it with a DVD/CD player, but, I don't know of any that are Reference quality at a good deal. On the other hand, should I stick with CD only for now??? Please help!!! I want to buy today.

Showing 1 response by john_l

Buy another Sonographe. You can pick them up at used stereo stores for $150. I have had one of the SD-1 alphas for years. They were simple 14 bit players with Conrad Johnson high quality analog sections. I recently bought a Wadia 830 and Sony XA7ES to compare to it. They are both better, but not by much. A little more detail and bass, but not nearly the improvement per dollar that I saw with other componentry. Besides, that's the same CD player Leonard Bernstein owned (saw him in a home interview once). If you want something modern, the I have been impressed with the Denon 1650 (900 new), the Adcom GCD-750 (1150 new), and the Sony XA7ES (2300 new). I think the adcom is the best buy of the bunch.