CD player finally died. Need rec.

Help!!! My Sonagraphe CD player has finally expired. It gave me over 6 years of great sound, but it has now been silenced. I want to replace it with a DVD/CD player, but, I don't know of any that are Reference quality at a good deal. On the other hand, should I stick with CD only for now??? Please help!!! I want to buy today.

Showing 3 responses by bday0000

Thanks for all the great info and humor!!! David99's comments were helpful, I might add. For those of you keeping score at home, I have added a beautiful new Rega Planet to my current set up (BK ST1400 amp and a conrad johnson PV10A preamp, with Alon 1 speakers and Tara cables). In the future, I will probably upgrade to a nice transport and outboard DAC (when the format wars are over). Thanks again, everyone!!!!
I was able to bring home the demo unit for a couple of days. It sounds awesome!!! The image is like a living thing, or looking at a landscape. The new-in-the-box unit will be hooked up today. I'm sure it will need to burn-in, but I know what to expect. Thanks once again, everyone!!!