CD or Streaming... am I missing out?

I listen to CD in my headphone office system. Use a Theta Compli transport and a very nice and pricey tube 16/44 DAC. Have thought about a streaming capability and all its benefits but am both limited by SPDF and by 16/44 only. I also love the analog sound of my tube DAC. Does streaming sound far surpass CD? Am I missing out?

Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

I use a Bluesound Node and subscribe to Qobuz. Very good quality, but my CD setup beats it. My Node2i only cost $500 whereas DAC and transport is in the thousands.
I really enjoy streaming, the only downside is the streaming service decides which version of a digital release is available; eg, original release vs. remaster.
I listen mainly to classical so these recordings are not subject to high compression, poor dynamic range.

Truth be told, I haven't played a CD in months. I like having thousands of albums to choose from. And they are audiophile quality.

All routers generate noise and  RFI. This can be passed to the audio system. The amount of RFI thru the service provider is very high. 
A linear power supply can lower the noise floor by replacing the very cheap supplied wall-wart. My router is plugged into a Brick Wall PC and the increased clarity through my CAT8 is without a doubt audible.