CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 

Showing 3 responses by ct0517

Also the phono cartridge is the key to analog

Its not the

1) cartridge........ it’s not the
2) table....... it’s not the
3) shelf/stand/room....... its not the
4) tonearm......... its not the
5) Litz..........its not the
6) Phono Stage and Loading of.............

The key is attained knowledge, that allows for the proper set up of all 6 areas to work together, based on each areas different design, and execution. There is a lot to get wrong. 

This is why better set up lesser perceived designs, out perform better perceived designs in places you visit like same room shows. But given one has the knowledge on setup, and that someone can do the proper set up; the better design executed well should out perform the lesser design.

Right, but the cartridge is first and only component that physically riding your records, so in my opinion cartridge is the key.

Well then, in your own words "physically riding", shortened to "ride" for the purpose of this post.....

The Litz ............rides the tonearm/cart.
The tonearm ....rides the cartridge and TT/Shelf.
The cartridge... rides the record.
The record .......rides the platter/TT
The TT .............rides the shelf.

A lot of riding going on.

Sleepwalker - I was describing a way to drown out treadmill noise with a beat. It was not a post about sound quality. I got a warning and the post was deleted by the mods due to the R* reference. ok Mod.  

my words to you also got deleted with that post,  but they are IMO important so I will summarize.

The music is made from two parts of the record. One the grooves and the other side, the record itself which sits on the platter and the TT platter turns at the correct speed. The two functions are separate from one another, but of equal importance. You can't have one without the other and still be able to enjoy your records.