CD and Speakers for a Jolida 302?

I have just bought a Jolida amp and am looking for a CD and speakers for under $1000 combined. Any suggestions. CDs on Audiogon that might qualify appear to be CAL Ikon, Marantz CD63 and 67, Rega Planet. Speakers include, B&W 6 series (which don't thrill me), Dynaudio 50s, Paradigm... Room is 10x12x8 and listening preferences are jazz, accoustic stuff, pop. Thanks for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by trelja

For CD, how about Jolida's own new player? Or the CD500 from CAmbridge, or a Rotel. For speakers, if you wanted a minimonitor, there are the Coincidents or Triangles. For companies that offer monitors and floostanders, Mission, PSB(esp. the Image series), and maybe even NHT or Polk. Also, don't forget about Vandersteen 1s(very nice sound).