CD and Network Streamers

I've ben out of the audio hobby for some time and just now getting back in. 

System - Bryston 4B ST amp, ARC LS 25 MkII preamp, Aerial Model 8 speakers.

I likely need a decent CD player but these streaming pieces sounds really interesting. The 3 to 5K price is honestly more than I'm willing to spend though as I won't lister to the system more than occasionally. Does anyone know:

1. A decent CD/ Streamer combo for $1,500 or less

2. A $1,000 Streamer seperate they'd recommend




Showing 1 response by martineaud

Thank you all for your advice and comments on this. I just pulled the trigger on Blue sound Vault 2i ripper/streamer combo. I'm excited and ready to get this up and running into my system.