CAV-50 and 804 Diamonds

I am demoing B&W 804 Diamonds. I have a Conrad Johnson CAV-50 and pretty sure it's not a good match. I'm having to constantly bias the tubes and unless I get it right it produces a fairly grainy sound at volume. The 804's need WPC of 50-200, while the CAV-50 produces 50 WPC I'm replacing Coincident floor standers which is a fairly efficient speaker. I really want to stick with the 804s. I guess the point is I'd like comments on match with the CAV-50 and/or what would you replace it with. Thanks

Showing 1 response by boband212

for most B&W speakers one needs a powerful SS amp. For a nice tube amp one should have some really nice efficient speakers. Vintage Klipsch are nice- Fortes, Cornwalls. I say vintage because you can save some money if you do that. I got some nice vintage La Scalas and an amp from Petery-Hedden in Indiana. I live close by. There are so many speakers to select from. I would recommend speakers requiring a minimum wpc of 10 and sensitivity of 89db or greater. I have a Jolida JD202BRC amp that is like the CAV 50 in power and tubes, etc. Maybe not quality, but ability to drive speakers. Mine does fine with some RF-62IIs and also with some Advent 6003s. I like the 6003s best. In all these years I have not found anything I liked better, or well enough to replace at a big cost. I sure do like the cornwalls, but those are big. Legacy makes some nice speakers. PSB makes some decent speakers. For those B&W speakers you need a 150 to 200 wpc SS amp. Give the folks at Petery-Hedden a call (on the net) and see if they have any nice vintage speakers.