Catalog Completist?

How many of you out there are bent on getting an artist's complete catalog, even though the entirety of said catalog isn't always grand from first album to most recent?

I was struck by this as I was rearranging the CD collection, and noted I had all the AC/DC studio albums.  Some definitely resonate with me more than others, to say the least.  However, anything new they put out I will get.  Will it go in heavy rotation? Will it be "good"? Likely not at this point. But I will own the disc.

Some bands deliver throughout, some don't, but I still keep up with them. Kings of Leon, The Black Keys, Cannibal Corpse, Green Day, are mixed examples of each for me.  I just can't seem to pass up a new release, even if I've been underwhelmed after streaming the record.  I just need to have it on the shelf.

Am I alone? What artists do you have all the physical copies of on your rack(s), regardless of individual release merit?


Showing 3 responses by iron57

Good point, I had in mind still active bands that continue to produce, albeit maybe at a different quality level, but you'll buy regardless.

But then again, I own multiple re-releases of Beatles, Zeppelin, Doors, Pink Floyd, etc.  These record companies aren't as dumb as we think.  I mean, if a new box set comes out for one of these classic acts, even with limited "new" material, guess who has two thumbs and will buy it.  That's right, this guy.
@jafant Definitely Metallica. Interesting dilemma though, you want a band to grow and not make the same record time and again, but damn it's hard to reach for some of the newer filler when the older stuff is so good.

Well said @simao 

Add Weezer to my list. Should have sat out their last one (Pacific Daydream), but I just couldn't. Not like you can't sample these things via streaming either, which I did. 

Still will plunk down the coin on a physical copy, for certain bands at least.
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