Cat SL1mkIII or Jadis JPS-2

Hi; I'm considering buying a Cat SL1 MkIII or a Jadis JPS-2 preamp. My system consists of the Marantz SA-1 SACD, Jadis SE 300B, Goldmund Dialogue spkrs, and Marigo Audio cables, and inter connects. Your input would be greatly appreciated, so lets hear it from all you audiophiles.
I compared these two preamps about 3 years ago.
I think that the SL-1 is better in one way.
Remember this is only my personal opinion.
Already having the Jadis amp/ I heard that 300b along with ALL Jadis and their Eurithmy horn system(sorry can't spell)--I'd go Jadis for the pre. Put me in you will,huh?
Both are superb products; if you listen more to rock, the CAT may be more to your liking, but for classical and acoustic jazz the Jadis is the most natural sounding equipment around, in my view. Jadis should tend to be a little less analytical, a little warmer, though a little more rolled at the frequency extremes. Good luck!