CAT 1990 model - Highs rolled off??

I am demoing a 1990 CAT Reference preamp, and while it sounds very pleasant and musical, I am wondering if it achieves this at the expense of a very slight rolling off in the upper frequency range... There seems to be just a bit of sparkle and liveliness missing on some recordings I am familiar with, and wondered if anyone else has experienced this with the earlier CAT's?

Showing 1 response by superclamp040b

Check the tubes, play with other tube brands,at V6 V7 position, and you will be rewarded, I have listened to various incarnation af this CAT, [i have the Signature, which is upgraded to MK 3 now,] and i assure you that frequency roll off is not CAT like..check other parameters first in your system pls. One happy CAT owner, enjoy the music !