CAT 1990 model - Highs rolled off??

I am demoing a 1990 CAT Reference preamp, and while it sounds very pleasant and musical, I am wondering if it achieves this at the expense of a very slight rolling off in the upper frequency range... There seems to be just a bit of sparkle and liveliness missing on some recordings I am familiar with, and wondered if anyone else has experienced this with the earlier CAT's?

Showing 1 response by bozo

No way! The CAT is a super smooth pre. If by chance you have always used a solid state pre, then maybe it may sound rolled off. But what you are hearing is highs that are what they are and not boosted to so airy or detailed. I had a Classe 5 pre before and after I tried the Cat there was no going back. Cat Sig. Mk. II However you should consider the age of the tubes. They maybe getting tired and slightly dark. Good luck.