Casters to replace spikes

So I'm sure this will get a lot of challenge and flak, so please helpful comments only!

Long story short my focus has changed from home theater to two channel back to home theater.  Recently got a projector and in the midst of getting a screen (have a white sheet hanging as temporary) . On a whim I moved my Revel studio 2s and Voice 2 behind the sheet which improved the movie experience 1000%. However I had to push the speakers back against a wall, which is not ideal for two channel listening. I'm planning to purchase an electric screen so on occasion I'd like to be able to pull the speakers out from the wall with little effort when the screen is rolled up. Right now they are on the factory spikes sitting on Herbie's discs, so they can slide on the carpet with some effort. However, every time I've seen Wilson speakers in show rooms, they always seem to be on casters which made me wonder if that's a normal type of arrangement or at least a good enough arrangement.  my system is decent but my room needs lots of treatment so I'm taking an 80/20 approach here.  

Has anyone done this/ can recommend any type of solution for being able to move the front speakers with ease?  Thanks!
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@almandog I sounds like moving from casters to spikes was a downgrade in your experience. Then moving to isolation feet had the effect of returning to the caster-sound plus some? Or did the Gaia's just get you back to were you started?

It's my experience that using isolation feet is a giant improvement vs resting the speaker directly on the ground. I use Herbies Gliders now, but Gaia's were my other option. I haven't tried the Gaia's yet. 
Hello, I have Omicron accessories under all my stereo system. Better performance than spikes, no way, at all! Carefully you can move/adjust the position of your stuff without scratching the floor.

I could really do with some castors or something that makes it easier to move my speakers that are on extremely heavy sound anchor stands. My wife like to put them back against the walls frown when i am not using.  The issue i have is they are almost too high as they are (in terms of tweeter level, sitting position).  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Cheers

I've used 14" square plant rollers from Amazon. I've never put more than 60lbs on them but they work well under that weight. I put a layer of 1/4 inch neoprene and a piece of 1/2" MDF on top. It raises them about 3".