cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl.

cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl. with a good type ii and a Nakamichi CR-7

Showing 1 response by crustycoot

As others have said, live mic to 2-track (or Tri-Mic) on a clean, well aligned, degaussed crystalloy or sendust Nak or JVC or Sony portable recorder certainly made for some enjoyable listening back in the day, and I have fond memories, but how can a knock-off from an LP beat the original, even on RtoR?  And never mind finding compatible playback on random decks without carefully matching head alignment. The Cassette Era SUCKED!  Good MP3 is waaay better if only because of its immunity from playback compatibility, pumping and breathing, dirt, stray fields, etc. Both formats are lossy, but in analog it’s a mess.