Cassette Decks in 2019

In the last few years a bunch of experimental/fringe music has been increasingly been put out on cassette. I can stream these on Apple Music and Prime and such but would rather buy it and support the artists.

So on a whim I've been looking at decks. Nakamichi comes out often but HOLD CRAP look at the prices for machines. No thanks. So I see some from TEACTascam and Marantz that are being produced now and wonder if any of these are decent enough soundwise.


Showing 1 response by regismc

Try a Nak LX300.  I know of several that can be had for around $350.  I picked one up last spring, & even though ‘only’ a 2head deck, with the right tapes, sounds great-wonderful.  Even with many commercial tapes, the Nak has a smooth analogue presentation that is close to a good lp.  The ‘classic transport’ is dead quiet and is fun to listen too.  They, possess body, balls, and an organic propulsion with a touch of ‘richness’.  Top bands like 21 Pilots release on cassette & a Saturday morning blasting their latest (cassettes seem to encourage one to go up another notch or two) will remind u why u got into this crazy hobby in the first place.  A friend gave me a tape of ‘Stevie Ray’ made in the early nineties, that hadn’t been played in a very long time, and ‘Yikes’!  Flatly, the thing kicks ass.  Tape offers a fun and creative way to experience the Muse.  Highly recommended... (-;