Cassette decks. How good can it get?

I know some guys are going to just want to say a bunch of negative stuff about tape decks and tell me how bad they sound.  There is a lot of music that comes out on tape only (you usually get download too) so I have been acquiring quite a stack of cassettes.  I have a couple of Nakamichi decks BX100 and BX300. The 300 is not working and was thinking of trying to repair.  I am wondering how good of sound you can get out of cassette?  Has anyone taken the leap up to something like the much more expensive Nakamichis or other brands even.  I enjoy the sound. Mainly it's the background noise more than anything but even that is somewhat tolerable.  


Showing 3 responses by officerat

I guess I'm the only one on this forum who had/has a Kyocera.  I loved my D-811 (Dolby B, C and HX Pro), 3 motor, dual capstan, direct drive transport.  Stereo Review lab measurements with TDK MA tape: S/N A wtd - 73.4; 25-20k +-3db.  I'd like to get it refurbished, but can't find a competent tech to do it for less than an arm and two legs.  I'll have to make do with my Nak CR-3a.

@terry9 I've got a stash of Sony metal ceramic body tapes, as well as Maxell XLII's.  I had been wondering if there might be a market for them, but now that I've had my Nak refurbished, I think I'll hang on to them.  Am I wrong, or is it pretty difficult to find quality tapes these days?

@terry9 Wow, insane prices, even from a legitimate vendor.  But I won't even consider buying anything on Ebay after my one and only experience.