Cary SLP98L Tube Rolling

just got my new Cary SLP98L, which i am very happy with. have been using the stock tubes, and i am wondering if anyone has done a bit of tube rolling with their slp98L.
if you mention or recommend a specific tube, could you please give details about what that tubes offers that another tube might not offer.


Showing 1 response by linnlp12

I had an SLP98 with phono. My advice to you, unless you have the direct version, is to change your capacitors from the Kimber or the Cary oils to Teflons, REL TFT recommended (that is what I used so my recommendation). Will take a while to break in but when the do, great. This is a world class preamp crippled only by the caps used in the stock versions. To me, the improvement here was much much greater than changing tubes. For tubes, I used Sylvania chrome domes and was very happy with the combo. Better than stock but not better than changing the caps. Good luck.