Cary SLP 2002 or Joule LA 100 Mk III or?w/PassX250

All the threads about SS amp/tube preamp has me curious to give this combo a try. Possibly looking at these contenders to replace my Pass X2 preamp.

-Cary SLP 2002, the XLR is a bonus for the X250.
-Joule LA 100, Mk III

Any other recommendations are welcome, budget is around $2k or less, looking for less sterile sound, more of what tubes are all about. (AR will not work as per them (impedance issues). I've been thru all the previous threads on this subject, looking for more. Thanks & happy new year!
I used my SLP2002 with a Pass X250 and it worked quite nicely. Actually I liked the match so well that I sold the X250 and bought a pair of X600s. I use a pair of Russian type3 6H23 tubes in the Cary and it is superb. It is also nice that it has a HT bypass which has allowed me to have my 2 channel and HT systems in the same room using the same front speakers, amps, and cabling.
Oldpet, you snuck ahead of me. I was speaking to Claud. Don't give up, the great thing about tube pre's is the flexibilty to alter the sound.