Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?


I have a Cary SLP 05 preamp. recently, I changed some power cords on source components and added a USB and SPDIF reclocker. The overall result was the bass became resonant and boomy, so much so that my ears ring after prolonged listening. It could be a power cord mismatch but i have a feeling power cords do not alter the sound that much.

I suspect it may be the tubes getting old. I use NOS RCA Grey Glass GT’s for the quad and Sylvania GT’s in the balanced positions. They are about 5 years old with playback time of 5 hours every weekend (estimated 1,250 hours of use) and measured in the mid to high 90’s when I purchased them. I do not have a tube tester.

Does anyone know what the lifespan for these tubes are and if it’s time for a replacement set? I am guessing if it is time’s up, I’ll need to replace all 6.

Showing 1 response by jazzdrummer1969

"Also, when do I need to change the rectifier tube? What are symptoms of its end of life?"

My SLP05 came shipped with a Sino rectifier. When it went bad it blew the fuse when I turned on the power supply. I replaced the Sino with a Create Synergy recifier (twice). When the Create Synergy rectifiers went bad the bass became loose and wooly, the soundstage became indistinct and lacked  focus. The Matsushita rectifier I have installed now has been performing flawlessly and sounds much better than the Sino, Create Synergy, Genelex Gold Lion and Phillips Miniwatt (black base) I had installed before I purchased the Matsushita. 
