Cary SLI 80 owners ... how do you have it tubed ?

Hi all,

Just wondering what tubes you all are running in it.

In mine Shuguang Kt88-98 (replaced a quad of Phillips NOS 6550s ), Slyvania USN 5U4s, Amperex PQ white 7308s and Slyvania Chrome dome 6SN7s.

The result is very pleasing. I'm using a pair of Theil 2.3s with it.


Showing 1 response by pehare

EH KT-88, RCA 5U4GB, Pope 6NS7GT Philips Holland (my last Syl. chrome domes were defective), Telefunken 6DJ8 (waiting in the wings are Amperex 7308 (like yours) RCA 5U4 & RCA 6SN7.

btw, Larry I bet the Thiels really sound better with tubes. I used to own 2.4's w/Pass X250 & couldn't listen to most of my CD collection, brutally revealing to say the least. I am pleasantly suprised to hear the SLI-80 will drive the 2.3's.