I am lying a bit, the entire aprtment is 1200 sq.ft. the open area where the Totems are measures some 700 sq.ft. That being said, you do hear them in the other rooms and in the main room the sound really goes wall to wall to wall. Listening to Brahms Concerto no.1, the orchestra tuttis do come across very vividly and the piano is, there, between the 2 speakers. Having heard the same piece in a concert on Monday from the 15th row on the parterre, I'd say the illusion is very very good.
I am lying a bit, the entire aprtment is 1200 sq.ft. the open area where the Totems are measures some 700 sq.ft. That being said, you do hear them in the other rooms and in the main room the sound really goes wall to wall to wall. Listening to Brahms Concerto no.1, the orchestra tuttis do come across very vividly and the piano is, there, between the 2 speakers. Having heard the same piece in a concert on Monday from the 15th row on the parterre, I'd say the illusion is very very good.