Cary Preamps

I don't read much about these pre's here on Agon, but they seem appealing with respect to price, features, and the inclusion of a remote. I would like to know more. Can people share their impressions and experiences? Which ones are the best (and why)? Are there others that are must not that hot? Which are the best bang-for-the-buck?

(Note: I am helping a cousin get a tube preamp in the $800-$1000 range, and am considering Cary, VTL, perhaps a few others). Thanks.
I've had my SLP98L for about 2 months now and love it, one of the best purchases I've made in this hobby. I also cannot agree with the ringing microphonics stuff, and mine is only about 4 feet from my speakers....FWIW
I purchased the TFT Exotica from handmade electronics. The improvement was jaw dropping. I have experimented with caps for a long time. This by far was the best. I wanted to buy more but they are out of stock in the 0.22/600v version.
I might have an AES DJH Super Preamp for sale in the next couple of days. With Pope NOS tubes, it is outstanding. With remote. Probably $1300.
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I use a Cary CAD-5500 that was upgraded by Cary. These include:
a. paper/oil caps in the signal path
b. Multicap polypros everywhere else
c. Rubycon high-speed photo caps in the power supply (which is separate from the preamp)
d. high speed, soft recovery hexfred diodes in the power supply
e. "standby" switch

This unit is from the early 90's and it was designed not as a preamp but to take the digital edge off early CD player output.

As a preamp it is warm and liquid-something I prefer- with a very clean & slightly forward character. It is not "neutral" but makes me smile when I hear it.

I think for the most part Cary makes fine products but they do have a "house sound".