Cary Cinema 8 vs. Krell Showcase vs. TagMclaren AV

Can anyone help me figure out the comparison between these the processors? My dad is a big fan of Cary amps, but there is nowhere close for me to listen to their processor. I've found a pretty good deal on a Krell Showcase, and a good deal on the Tag Mclaren AV32R. I'm particularly interested in opinions on the Cary and Tag, because there a ton of comments already here on the Showcase.

Thanks in advance!
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Showing 1 response by myronm

I just had the Cary in my place for a demo. For music it was awesome. However, for the TV, especially the HD TV stations and for a few SACD CDs, vocal sound was absolutely terrible. Worse than my Pioneer Receiver. In fact, the voice quality was worse than the direct output from the TV. Voices were muddy, indistinct. It seemed to put the center channel voices all over rather than directly to the Center Channel.

Plus on some of the music we had to go to enhanced bass, just to get some of the bongo drums.

When I talked to Cary directly, he blew me off and stated that the entire problem was due to equalization of the speakers. Never answered why the sound was great if it was entirely instrumental but vocal was poor if everything was going thru the same set and speakers.

Might have been setup, but couldn't get help from Cary as to what.

Needless to say, the unit went back to the dealer.

Could have been mismatch between my system and the unit. I have Pioneer DV45I DVD player, Outlaw 770 amp, ML Odyssey L/R front, ML Cinema Center and ML Script surrounds, plus dual SVS Audion PC16-46+ subs.
