Cary cinema 11a or Krell HTS 7.1 ???

I'v done a lot of research and have narrowed it down to the these and would like some feed back from other Audiogoners.
My interest is really 2 channel but I also watch a lot of Blu-ray movies using mt Oppo BDP 95 utilizing the Dacs in the Oppo. I now the best would be to get a separate pre but I do not have the room. Another thing I should mention is that I want to use balanced cables from which both units have, with 5.1 and stereo.

Showing 1 response by mtruong34

I've owned both the Cary 6 and the original Krell HTS 5.1, so you may extrapolate from from my experience, but hands down the Cary was the more musical of the two in 2ch, and a slight edge to the Krell in HT. In fact, Cary makes some of the most musical 2channel processors you can buy.