I own the Cary CD 306 SACD pro in my living room setup with the Cary SLP-05 tube preamp and a pair of Cary monoblock tube power amps. Couple yrs ago my audiophile buddy brought over his Marantz SA 10 SACD player and hooked it up in my all Cary system (Cary tube pre and tube power amps). The Cary 306 SACD pro still sounds better in my all Cary setup with Cary tube preamp and tube amps. My speakers are also on the warmer side. The Marantz SA 10 lacks detail, resolution, air, transparency, scale, authority and dimensionality compared to the 306 Pro. The SA 10 sounded way too warm in my all Cary system setup, which is already sounding warm to begin with. It’s all about system synergy. I bet the Marantz SA 10 will sound better and will be a better match in all solid state or neutral sounding system setups.
In my all Cary setup I don’t find my 306 SACD Pro sound bright or harsh, it’s quite the opposite actually. The whole system sound perfect with the Cary 306 SACD Pro in the chain, it’s a perfect match. When I inserted my friend’s Marantz SA 10 the entire system sounded too recessed too warm too syrupy warm. The SA 10 isn’t a good match for this system. All Marantz gears are always voiced warm, smooth to begin with, too recessed at times depending on your system setup.