Cary Audio DAC 200 ts Opinions


Does anyone have any experience with the Cary Audio DAC 200 ts in comparison to other $4k DAC's?

Have read the online reviews on Audiostream, Enjoy The Music and 10Audio but would like to hear from real life users here.

Initially, I was leaning towards the Schiit Yggradsil as my current DAC's are both R2R or multibit.

This one uses AKM AK4490EQ chips. 

I enjoy mine very much. I did use the Mcintosh MCD1100 as my DAC and it sounded very good but the Cary with its tube out option won me over
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I really enjoy it. I use it with an Auralic Altair as the streamer. I  tried it because of the tube output. I’ve always hard a hard time with DACs. They sold plasticky or candy coated. So I’ve always resorted to tube CD players for satisfaction. Audionote, BAT, lector, blue note. In this DAC I actually prefer the non-tube output. It makes music the way I like it. 
Awesome DAC that beats the pants off of several more expense DACs I auditioned in my home since I purchased it several years ago. I rolled some Brimmers in and it makes almost everything sound better if not great, especially those 'hot' recordings. I use SS for CDs which are treble shy and for a different sound. The bottom end is also very strong and tuneful as compared to some other DACs. And it provides air and reproduces ambience like no other DAC I've tried, although I'm sure I could get more if I spent a lot more $$. It was worth every penny I spent on it - all $2K.
Besides the Brimar suggestion from hueandeye, any other 12au7 suggestions? Popped in an RCA clear top NOS, and while it sounds much better than the stock EH, it's quite laid back in my set up. Lacking slam. Not sure if the tubes need to be run in some, but thought I'd ask for suggestions.

Nice unit overall!