Cary 300SEI with KR 300BXLS tubes

Does anyone have experience comparing the stock 300SEI with the sound after changes to run the KR Audio 300BXLS tube? I understand that the change makes possible 20 watts/channel instead of the stock 11-15 watts. I have inefficient speakers (Fulton Premieres) but want to use a 300B-based integrated amp if possible. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jwaugh

I can't comment on the power gain or the sound in the Cary directly (so my reply may not be terribly helpful!), but I have done a lot of 300B comparisons now in other setups and Idid want to say that the 300BXLS tubes are truly remarkable! They are amazing top-to-bottom performers and tremendously musical without being euphonic. Any additional power you may gain (assuming you can adjust bias as they describe), will be an added bonus - I had no power gain in my VAC amps, but just enjoyed the performance.

Good luck - I hope you can make them work!
