Cary 120s

I am looking at a few different used tube amps to "move up the food chain" from my dynaco st70.

I am interested in possibly a Cary rocket 88, but I am seeing several Cary 120s amps for very reasonable prices here on the 'gon.

For a nice amp with this kind of power there seems to be a large number of these offered constantly here.

Are people having issues with the 120s amps or am I just seeing a lot of people with "upgradeitus"?

Maybe I should also consider a used bat vk55 or vk60 instead.

Have any Cary 120s users had any problems with your amp?

Thanks Dave

Showing 5 responses by vlentudia

For what it's worth: I bought one of the used 120S models here on Audiogon. I have not had much chance to experiment with the sound (I'm between preamps) but I have used it enough (with a loaner preamp) to speak to the heat issue. As tube amps go, mine does not seem to get inordinately hot at all. This amp is much less hot, for example, than the Six-Pac monoblocs I once owned. Of course it does get somewhat hot, as one would expect an 8-tube KT88 amp to do. But not unexpectedly so.

I'll report more on this thread
I finally have my 120S mated with a nice preamp (Doge 8) and as promised, I wanted to give some quick initial impressions.

1. Plenty of power and current to drive my Maggies (in fact, could be an ideal tube amp for MMGs or 1.6s).

2. The triode and ultrlinear settings make a big difference in sound. Both have their appeal, but generally I'd say triode is more laid back and better-suited to lower-volume listening. UL is great for rocking out.

3. Needs a higher gain preamp. Primaluna P3 was a bad match; the Doge is MUCH better. A Cary SLP98 would be close to perfect.

4. As for the heat - On a heat scale of 1 to 10: If a McIntosh MC275 is a 3, and AES Six-Pacs are an 9, this is probably a 6.

5. Listening now and sounds great!
Update: I am now using the 120S with a Cary SLP98. Still early on but so far the results are incredible. The 120S is a great amp to my ears, and a great value at the used price it's been commanding here. Will provide more thoughts after some more listening time.
I am using the 120S with Magnepans, and the PL felt like it didn't have enough gain for the 120S/Maggie combination. I think that the PL3/120S combo would work with more efficient speakers. I'm a PL fan (I have a Prologue One).

The 120S really makes the Maggies sing with the Doge 8 and now the SLP98.