Cary 120s

I am looking at a few different used tube amps to "move up the food chain" from my dynaco st70.

I am interested in possibly a Cary rocket 88, but I am seeing several Cary 120s amps for very reasonable prices here on the 'gon.

For a nice amp with this kind of power there seems to be a large number of these offered constantly here.

Are people having issues with the 120s amps or am I just seeing a lot of people with "upgradeitus"?

Maybe I should also consider a used bat vk55 or vk60 instead.

Have any Cary 120s users had any problems with your amp?

Thanks Dave

Showing 8 responses by ajackson1

I to have the 120s and the CAD 500MB. I actually bought two 120s to bi-amp, but it did not work out. With the right tubes, this amp can kick some serious azz. Mine has the pope 6sn7 and the tung-sol. The 120s does not get hot.

I do agree that the stock tubes are really poor, but once you upgrade these it takes the amp to a whole new level. This actually explans why you have a number of them listed for sale. Of course these upgraded tubes do not come cheap so folk either decide to upgrade or get rid of it.

As far as it running hot, I not feel it does, well it is all relative. One person hot may not apply to everyone.

The bottom line is for the current sale price, it getting a good amp. Invest a few more $$ and you will be happy.

I currently have two, will get rid of one will definately keep the other.
Dav65mus, for what it is worth, I sold my Cary 120s and bought a Canary 160. I paid almost double the price for the Canary. The Cary IMO sounds way better than the Canary.
LOL Jdec, u know how to push the buttons don't u.

Truth be told, I have been thinking about it. Cary 120s with the Pope 6sn7gt sounded really good.

Yep, I probably would. Folks always look at the number of 120s on sale as a negative thing, but thats not always the case.
Welcome Vlentudia. Get some KT88s or Tungsol 6550. Pope 6sn7gt if u can get your hands on them and the only words u will utter is WOW.

Vlentudia, I see u letting go of the 120s. Wish I had the funds to buy it back.