Carver C-4000

hello AuGoNers,
has any one have any experience with this pre-amp?i just found it in my dad storage(been sititng there for a long long time).i know it was working when my dad put it away in storage.since this pre-amp doesnt have any light on it,i couldnt tell if it is on or not..there are so many little buttons on it,i am not sure which one to turn it on.i couldnt find anything on the faceplate that said power..when i hook it up to my amp,i couldnt hear anything out of the speakers at

Showing 1 response by sean

This was basically a newer, updated version of the Phase Linear 4000 preamp that Bob Carver and Bill Skinner designed. From what i can recall, it retained all of the original features of the Phase 4000 and added Carver's Sonic Holography circuit along with a time delay system for the rear speakers, complete with its own built in amplification stage ( 25 wpc ).

I can't remember too much else about this unit, but i'm sure that there is some type of switch to power it up. After all, it had all kinds of switched outlets on the back, so there had to be some way to turn it off & on. Sean