Carver Amazing or Magnepan?

Hello, I am going to be purchasing some new speakers in the next few months and would like some suggestions. I was thinking about some Carver Amazing original or Platinum Mark IV. Either those or some Magnepan MMG's with a Sunfire subwoofer or two. I usually listen to hard rock/heavy metal 20% of the time, soft(er) rock 15%, radio 10%, classical 10-15% and the rest of the time is for home theater. Right now I have a decent Marantz HT reciever, a cheap Kenwood 200 disc changer and an original Sunfire stereo amp. The speakers I am using now are some cheap Cerwin Vega's. My next purchase will be a Sunfire Ultimate reciever after I get some decent speakers. I have never used or even really heard planar speakers before. My budget is about $1500. I was thinking about the Maggie's because of the reasonable cost and I could add a sub(s) if I thought I needed it later. If I did go this route, which Sunfire sub would you reccomend? My two concerns about going this way: I don't know if I will like the planar sound (but my ears aren't very sensitive anyway) and I am kind of worried about blowing the Maggie's up with 600 wpc. For some reason there is no rating on Magnepan's site. Also, is it hard to sync subs with planars? I have never needed a sub before. Now the Carvers...main concern...service. I don't want to have to send them out all the time and pay 100's of dollars to have them repaired. I realize this could be an issue with the Maggie's later but that is later. And to anyone who would reccomend the Carvers...should I get the original of Platinum? I know the originals are 4 ohm so I would have 600 wpc going to them and I'm not sure what the Platinums are. My room is about 15' X 15' X 8' Replies are much appreciated! Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by audiophile73

Mejames, yes I think I will do that. I will have to drive a couple hours to a Magnepan dealer but it will be worth it.

Eldartford, yes the cv's have served me well but it's time to upgrade :)

Sbayne, so you don't think I would need a sub for the 1.6? That's mostly the reason I was leaning toward the MMG so I would have money to buy a sub. I guess I need to take a trip and listen to them. The Vandersteen's look intriging(sp?) as well. Thanks all!
Yes I was thinking about a Sunfire sub. I just love Bob Carver's innovative designs. Haven't looked into the Velodyne but I will. So nobody thinks the 600 wpc would be too much for the MMG's? BTW Tpsonic, those are some nice and crazy looking speakers.
In the manual it says: max output current 180 amperes peak to peak, max output voltage 52 volts rms, minimum output at 4 ohms 49 vrms (volts) and 12.25 irms (amps). It also had current and voltage source outputs and balanced and unbalanced outputs. Here's a link to some info...check out the link at the bottom it's an interesting read.