
Is it better to upgrade to an ultra premium cartridge or to buy the premium records such as hot stampers and the like?


Showing 3 responses by pindac

I don't concern myself about the very best of the best ancillaries any longer, especially within HiFi, and ones that are used to enable a Source Materials Recorded Data to be replayed.

I have found a standard that is satisfying for ancillaries for replaying the Vinyl LP, that I am content with. Anything else shown as an interest on this subject, is an expression of a curiosity and interest in having a new encounter.

I find that a sufficiently purified Vinyl LP, when used for a replay, can offer a very impressive presentation with a Cart' in use, that is using a design and materials that are notably fit for the purpose.

A certain design for a Cart' of a Particular Value, following a period of interrogation might prove to be the winner from a period of carrying out comparison demonstrations, but by what margin, will be one question, and at which increased cost for the purchase to achieve the margin of difference being detected.

Working on the commonly seen notion, that a Cart' has a 1000 Hours of usage life, (which is being generous), a Cart' with a decent design and use of materials can produce a replay at approx' 70 cents - $1.50 per hour.

The options for the value of a Cart' can quite easily escalate to approx' $4.00, $5.00, $8.00, $11.00, $15.00 per Hour of usage.

There is one thing Guaranteed that is on offer, which is the Speedy depreciation of the Cart's Value. If you have put 300-400 Hours on a Cart' and lose 50% of the Value as a resale, that means the derivative of the 1000 Hour calculation has an increased cost associated per hour of usage.

It really is each to their own, on how one spends on a product they have a desire to own, especially such a luxurious purchase, such as a Cartridge.  

I have a Vinyl LP purchased not too long ago, that has appreciated in value Tenfold if using Discogs as a reference. I have Vinyl LP's that have increased in Value between Twenty to a Hundredfold, from my collection produced over a much-extended period of time, if using Discogs as a reference.

The Vinyl LP is certainly going to be a very much enjoyed product when used as a medium to replay recorded music. In certain cases, the medium in use might also be appreciating in Value.

The Appreciation might not be of any benefit in the short term, but there may become a day when it is beneficial to oneself. If one decides to reimburse their coffers through selling, the appreciated value, if realised, will certainly with immediate effect, help offset against the depreciation that a Cartridge has been heavily impacted by, as a result of the needing to own one to experience the recording medium being replayed.           

It might be the case that there will be a slight compromise in certain assemblies of equipment in use, to fully appreciate a Hot Stamper Pressing qualities.

Through owning the Hot Stamper, it is quite likely there will be a time it will appreciate, and that 'will' be appreciated. 

@fisher_400 "I could buy better but am satisfied".

This is the most 'valuable statement' and the knowing where to come of the gas and enjoy the hard work done, is a very important place to arrive.

I have been through the hike and enjoying the Vista being available for quite some time.

The Plateaus on the Yonder Mountains are wonderful to look at, and present their own attraction and allure, but the knowing there is not much more enjoyment to be had, than has already been experienced, in getting up there is a good place to be.