Cartridge Trial & Error

Seems the real challenge in kicking up a new system as I’ve recently done is finding the right magical marriage of components to really make one’s rig sing. Right now, I’m trying to find the right cartridge for my turntable, here’s what I’m running...

Harman Kardon 430 phono amp
Ohm Model L’s
Fluance RT85 belt drive turntable

H/K is a super transparent amp and the model L’s are VERY bright so I’m trying to find the right cartridge for this system to really bring out the best in these speakers. Been a challenge finding something warm enough.  Have already tried the Ortofon Blue (too bright / clinical) and a Sumiko Olympia (overall a winner, but still lacking in punch and a little fuzzy on the highs). To make things more complicated there’s no VTA on this deck, so the cart has to be 18mm.

I have a Hana EH on the way to try out (with a 3.2mm spacer), but would love to hear anyone’s suggestions on what might work nicely in the under $500 range. Thanks!!
Sure, get an Audio Technica VM95ML $170. Not bright at all. Very surprising cartridge for the money. Plenty of output. You only need 44 dB of gain. 
I’ve heard good things about the VM but wouldn’t that be about in the same detail range as the Sumiko?
How is your room treated?

There’s a lot of wood paneling, and I have the speakers slightly pulled in toward the listening center but no treatments on the wall