Cartridge / Tonearm opinions requested...

After 23 years of living with an Ariston RD11s I’ve decided it’s finally time to upgrade. I recently pre-ordered one of the upcoming Teres Audio 265 tables (with the cocobolo platter). I’ve been making myself fairly insane over arm and cartridge selection and I’d appreciate any feedback anyone would care to offer (Twl?).

Unless someone can relate a horror story I’ve pretty much narrowed down my arm choice to the Wilson Benesch Act 2. It was a coin toss with the Moerch DP-6 but I’m a freak for carbon fiber.

My short list of cartridges are:

Shelter 901
Wilson Benesch Analog
Koestsu Rosewood Signature
Allaerts MB-1 Boron

I haven’t heard much about the W-B cartridge. I know it is of unknown Japanese make. I would think the synergy with the Act 2 arm would be great but I don’t know much about it's sound characteristics. I’ve read lots of raves about the Shelter 901 (In fact I just ordered a 501 for my office system). The Allaerts is supposed to be imbued with magical properties that will forever elevate the life of the owner but I haven’t really read too much about it beyond a bit of hype. The Koetsu seems like the safe old favorite – it simply can’t be a bad choice…but is it the best choice?

The related analog gear is a Krell KPA phono stage, Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp, a Jadis Defy 7 Mk III amp, a White Audio Labs A250 amp. Speakers are custom Unity Audio Super-PARMs (four piece system).

Would anyone care to offer an opinion/comparison about these 4 cartridges and how they might work with the W-B arm?

(Sorry for the long post)

Showing 3 responses by bombaywalla


Glad to note that you have taken the comments in the right spirit.

Re. the W-B arm, I feel that just because Chris Brady didn't say anything negative doesn't mean that it will be a suitable match! From his website, it is quite clear that he has virtually zero experience with it & he is not going to tell a customer not to use it on his 265 'table! Re. the W-B rep. in the USA - you can expect him to use those exact words. That's his job! I would take his words with a grain of salt esp. since there is no other user out there to confirm this.

Your other choice of Moerch DP-6 seems to be much better esp. since it has a proven track record on the Teres. This to me is more important than looks or W-B's carbon fibre technology (which no doubt is very appealing. The engineer in me digs that kind of stuff!).

As an aside (w/o meaning to be an Origin Live salesman!): TWL's recommendation of the Origin Live arms is also 2nd by me. I too have the Silver 250 on my Bluenote 'table with just excellent results. The TA-265, I think, warrants a better arm such as the Illustrious or the Encounter.

IMHO, chose an arm from the "tier 1" list or one of the OL arms & relieve yourself of this mental anguish.

Glad to read that your mental anguish is over now that you have decided on a tonearm & cart.

We'll look forward to reading a post/review of your Teres 265 system. I'm esp. interested in reading your comments of the whole set-up & the synergies between the Teres & the tonearm-cart. Too bad we will have to wait so long!

May I ask what made you conclude that the W-B arm was going to be the arm of choice?

Just a minor correction - Wilson-Benesch is a UK company & not a Japanese one ( From reading their philosphy of analog design, it is clear that they are proponents of low-mass design. This is a key point! Teres Audio is a big proponent of mass-loaded design. Everything they make is very heavy! They have very good design principles as does W-B & I'm not critizing any manuf. here - merely pointing out the diff. The ACT 2 arm is designed to go into a low-mass, rigid system. This leads me to believe that the synergies between ACT 'table & ACT 2 arm will be symbiotic & "made for each other" by design. It is not clear that the ACT 2 arm will perform the same way in a mass-loaded Teres design. It might & then it might not. The 2 philosphies are very different. My gut feeling is that the ACT 2 arm is a wrong choice for the Teres 'table. It might give you very good perf. but nowhere near the optimum that the 265 is capable of. Of course, this is my opinion!

A suggestion would be to chose a tonearm from Chris Brady's "tier 1" list. All tonearms there are proven to perform at the highest level with a Teres. I'm sure that you know that SYNERGY is a key part of obtaining top-notch performance. Getting a carbon fibre tonearm for the sake of looks seems to be the wrong method of chosing a tonearm. Again, IMHO!

Not critizing you in any way. Of course, you make the final decision as it is your system & you have to live w/ it. I feel that you might be compromising the TA-265 right from the get-go.

FWIW. I hope you take this in the right spirit. Thanks!