Cartridge / Tonearm opinions requested...

After 23 years of living with an Ariston RD11s I’ve decided it’s finally time to upgrade. I recently pre-ordered one of the upcoming Teres Audio 265 tables (with the cocobolo platter). I’ve been making myself fairly insane over arm and cartridge selection and I’d appreciate any feedback anyone would care to offer (Twl?).

Unless someone can relate a horror story I’ve pretty much narrowed down my arm choice to the Wilson Benesch Act 2. It was a coin toss with the Moerch DP-6 but I’m a freak for carbon fiber.

My short list of cartridges are:

Shelter 901
Wilson Benesch Analog
Koestsu Rosewood Signature
Allaerts MB-1 Boron

I haven’t heard much about the W-B cartridge. I know it is of unknown Japanese make. I would think the synergy with the Act 2 arm would be great but I don’t know much about it's sound characteristics. I’ve read lots of raves about the Shelter 901 (In fact I just ordered a 501 for my office system). The Allaerts is supposed to be imbued with magical properties that will forever elevate the life of the owner but I haven’t really read too much about it beyond a bit of hype. The Koetsu seems like the safe old favorite – it simply can’t be a bad choice…but is it the best choice?

The related analog gear is a Krell KPA phono stage, Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp, a Jadis Defy 7 Mk III amp, a White Audio Labs A250 amp. Speakers are custom Unity Audio Super-PARMs (four piece system).

Would anyone care to offer an opinion/comparison about these 4 cartridges and how they might work with the W-B arm?

(Sorry for the long post)

Showing 3 responses by 4yanx

Well, the IO's performance is beyond question, but I know I'd be doin' a BUNCH of thinking if I had to spend six large on a phono stage! Ha! :-)

There is a particular option of a tube phono stage that offers a great deal of flexibility and at least approaches the standard IO for about a third the price and is much better than phono stages in the $3-4 K new range. When you get ready and would like to explore options, contact me.
As Twl, and a few others on here know, I recently participated in an audition of several different tables using an OL Illustrious and Shelter 901 (and 501) combo. On a Teres table (and a Nottingham Hyperspace), the OL/Shelter combo was among the best I've ever heard at ANY price. Given that Twl finds the Teres/OL sympatico, I would not hesitate for one second to drop that bad-boy combo into the fray. And then, hold on.

I would have only one nit pick. Phono Stage...
Yeah, I have to apologize, Laser. I did not mean to disparage your phono stage. Just got caught up in the Teres/OL/Shelter possibilities. Good Luck! :-)