Cartridge suggestions for...

Kuzma 4Point9 arm. What have you found to work well? How are the Kuzma CAR cartridges compared to others?

Showing 1 response by bobauch

I have the Hana SL on an Audiomods series 5 arm and heavily modded Rega table. Its a cartridge that has won over a lot of users and is very highly rated. Also check out their newer, higher end models and see how they interface with your phonostage and arm. There's a lot of Hanas out there now so chances are a user will have a similar setup to yours for comparison.
    Mine has been in service for 4 years.I may upgrade to the ML when this one wears out but it's so good I may just stick with the SL. 
     Works well with my Musical Surroundings phono preamp. 
    A friend has the same cartridge using a Sutherland phono pre but can't remember what table. It will come to me when I post this of course. He bought the cartridge on my recommend and is quite satisfied.  His setup is quite different than mine but the cartridge sings with that as well.