Cartridge recs for VPI JMW arm Please

Hello all. I've recently decided to make a small jump into analog and have everything but a cartridge. I have an upgraded VPI Aries TT, JMW12 tonearm, BAT VK-5P phono pre. I'm looking for a couple of good recommendations for cartridges for this set-up. Budget is $1-2k new. I currently have a Crown Jewel SE that a friend will let me demo, but I'm concerned that the JMW12 may be too heavy for it. Please let me know if you think this cartridge will work as he will give it to me for dirt cheap.

Showing 2 responses by rmaurin

I have a VPI Aries w/TNT parts and 10" JMW. I have been using a Benz Ruby 2H for a year. Musical and enjoyable. I think the combination works very well. Phono stage is an Aesthetix Io.

I also own a Lyra Helikon, but I have not had the opportunity to mount it. As I understand VPI is offering the Helikon as an option pre-mounted on the JMW. This should also be a good match. I would call Mike at VPI and he could fill you in on the Helikon/JMW combo.
Metaphysics: I have not had the opportunity to listen to the Io with anything other than my Aries. So, I do not know if it is taking full advantage of it or not. All I can say is that the Aries/JMW and Io make an awesome combination.