Cartridge recommendations for TW Acustic 10.5 arm.

TW Acustic 10.5 tonearm owners with Raven One: What are your top recommendations for very low output moving coils? Anyone especially have experience with the Benz Ebony TR (.1mv) or the Miyajima Kansui (.23mv)?

Showing 1 response by tdaudio

I've been using a ZYX Universe X for a couple years. I also have a Triplanar with a second Universe which I took off the table about a year ago. I like using the 10.5 more than the triplanar except for the the lack of an arm lock at the rest position. Solution - I leave the lift "up" all the time so it is not a big deal and it is one less thing to vibrate which is the biggest issue with the Tri IMO.

I have read several times on audiogon posts that the Universe is an easy cart for an arm to handle FWIW.