Cartridge Recommendations

Recently broke my Clearaudio Virtuoso and looking for a replacement. Instead of spending 575 for a replacement I am considering a different cart. My modest system:

VPI HW-19jr w/upgraded platter
Jelco 750 arm
PS Audio gcph

Currently using a Denon DL-110 as my backup. Was thinking maybe trying the Denon 304 or Denon 103R or and upgrading it but not sure if I need a step up transformer? Should I stick to a MM maybe the Ortofon 2M black?

Showing 2 responses by nandric

''Raul's opinions are just that''. The MM thread has more
then 6000 contributions but I can't remember that Raul was
wrong in one single case. Consistent and reliable during this whole thread. I don't agree always with his philosophy but I trust his ears for 100%.
I 'retiped' two Virtuoso's by Axel in Germany. One with pressure fitted nude line stylus in a tapered aluminum cantilever ; the other with the boron cantilever and hyper
elliptical stylus. Among 20 MM carts that I own (AT 180,
Signet 9cl included) those are my best carts. I bought the Virtuoso's because of Raul's recommendation. My advice is to retip by Axel with aluminum cantilever + line stylus
(+/- 160 Euro).
Audiofeil, There are many collisions between Raul and me in different threads but those were never about his carts valuations. The most of us are very thankful for his MM